Max vom Schutzenknapp
Owner: Mary Standiford Breeder: Willi Geismann

Whelped: 01/23/2010
Max has taken 5 tests with in the JGHV and NAVHDA systems in his career. All 5 tests were taken 1 time and he earned a Prize I or equivalent in each test. In 2011 at the age of 16 months old, Max competed in the SMCNA annual Bird Derby. Defeating a field of 15 dogs his senior, including 3 Versatile Champions. In 2012 Max took his VGP, or German Utility test with the the Drahthaar club.This is a 2 day test that covers 26 different areas of a field, forest and water work. After an amazing deer track and recovery and a duck search that not only produced his duck, but another duck from the surrounding woods, Max walked away with the highest score of the weekend and the coveted 4H in use of nose. Max continues to enter and compete in various venues such as HRC . He will also
have a shot at the Invitational in 2014.
Max's strong work ethic, tremendous drive, mental stability and pure grit has judges and owners of other breeds groups giving the Small Munsterlander another look.
VJP 75, HZP 190
Suchensieger (Highest scoring dog)
VGP 303 Pr I 4H Nose
Suchensieger, BTR, HN
NA 112 Pr I
UT 204 Prize I
SMCNA Awards
2011 Sire's Award Herzcoff's "I" Litter
2011 Sire's Award Castiron's "F" Litter
2011 SMCNA Bird Derby Hunter Division 1st Place Finish(Youngest dog running)
2 Legs completed for started title
VC Hunting Hills' Joker
Owners: Pam & Mario Robinson Breeder: Kristine Hill

Whelped 3-28-08
VC Joker is a very smart and cooperative dog learning things quickly. He often looks at us like, "I already did that once - why do I have to do it again?" when training.
His nickname is "Showtime" performing best when he's in front of a crowd loving the attention. Joker's very obedient, loving everyone. He is often used for pet therapy to visit children at schools and our friends borrow him to hunt birds in the field. Joker has been an easy dog to train and he is our first versatile champion - perfect for us in many ways.
NA: 110 Prize 1
UT: 198 Prize 1
Invitational: POINTS 200 Pass AGE: 3 yr 5 mos
Timber Trail's C Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2013)
Hunting Hills' Y Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2015)
Started Title (2009)
10 points in Seasoned HRC Tests
Canine Good Citizen
Certified Pet Therapy Dog
Hunting Hills' Gunnar
Owners: Pam & Mario Robinson Breeder: Kristine Hill
Whelped 5-10-06
Gunnar loves to work. He can train or hunt all day so he's been the perfect dog for us to have in the field and in the home.
Gunnar has "trained" us and the other dogs we own and he is also frequently used for hunting and pet therapy training. Gunnar is very loyal and he is always by Pams side. He will do whatever it takes to find a bird on land or in the water rarely coming back without a duck when sent on a search. Gunnar is very intelligent and obedient often knowing more than we do about what needs to be done.
NA: 102 Prize 3
UT: 198 Prize 1
Invitational: 186 NP
SMCNA Sire Awards
2010 - Gosch's P Litter 08/02/2009
2011 - Hunting Hills' O Litter 06/08/2010
2011 - McLouths Tara's A Litter 4/22/2010
Canine Good Citizen
Certified Pet Therapy Dog
Jerry vom Buchenberg
Owners: Ken Hamele & Tom McDonald Breeder: H Lammers

Whelped: 10/10/2005
Although Zip is the only hunting dog I have ever owned, I can say with absolute confidence that Zip is my "dog of a lifetime". Tom McDonald imported Zip in December 2005 and he grew from a puppy to the type of dog I used to dream about owning. There is no doubt that he is my dream dog. Zip is very well behaved, loyal, and smart.
Zip has a great nose, skilled at marking downed birds, retrieves birds to hand, and has outstanding stamina. If the birds are holding, I can let him range & he will find birds, point them & wait for the hunter(s) to arrive. He will then wait for the birds to be flushed/shot so he may retrieve them. If the birds are not holding he will quarter out in front of the hunters at 10 - 15 yards. As the birds wild flush, you can still get shots at game well within shotgun range. He is trained to make blind retrieves across open water as well as follow a scent track. In addition, he has retrieved ducks, geese, dove, chukars, grouse, prairie chicken, quail and pheasant. He has helped out at two local controlled shooting areas since the fall of 2007, retrieving 2,000+ birds shot over him each year.
At home, Zip is wonderful addition to my family. Zip is a joy to have around the house because he is a friendly and well-mannered companion. He is excellent with our grandchildren who like to tug at his coat and pull on his tail. I hope this info makes you realize why Zip is "my dog of a lifetime"!! I am proud to take him hunting any place - any time - anywhere.
NA: 112 I
UT: 196 I
Invitational: 181 NP
VJP: 70
SMCNA Sire Awards
Hunting Hills' N Litter 04/3/2010
Seasons Ridge A Litter 07/17/2010
Tru Point C Litter 08/5/2010
Hunting Hills' P Litter 01/21/2011
AKC Canine Good Citzen
VC Cody vom Apfelbaumbach
Owners: Kristine Hill Breeder: Manfred Morber
Whelped: 01/07/2003
I imported Cody from Germany in March of 2003. Cody scored a 112 prize I at 7 months old in the NA test, his Utility test score of 204 prize I was accomplished at 3.8 years old, and he passed the Invitational at 4.7 years old. Cody scored a 74 in his VJP test and 273 prize II in his VGP test, He is the first SM in the US to run both JGHV tests.
Cody's staunch point and cooperative nature as passed on in his prodigy. He has sired 6 NA Breeder Award Litters. Cody's puppies have an average NA test score of 102.4. Six of his sons and daughters who are breeding have had pups test in the NA test and their average NA test score is 106.6. His son, VC Hunting Hills' Hemlock (Hemi) scored 196 in the 2012 Invitational. Two grandsons, VC Hunting Hills' Joker scored 200 in the 2011 Invitational and VC Hunting Hills' Epic Creed scored 196 in the 2019 Invitational. Two great grandsons, VC Hunting Hills' Yukon Moose Tracks scored 196 in the 2016 Invitational and VC Timber Trail's Cedar (Timber) scored 188 in the 2019 Invitational.
Thank you for the honor of submitting Cody for this recognition.
NA: 112 I
UT: 204 I
Invitational: 191 Pass
VJP: 74
VGP:273 II
SMCNA Sire Awards
Hunting Hills' F Litter 12/30/2004
Hunting Hills' G Litter 6/12/2005
Gosch's J Litter 8/23/2006
Hunting Hills' H Litter 1/17/2007
von Turner D Litter 3/20/2007
Hunting Hills' L Litter 12/29/08
Started Title (2010)
VC Looses Jaika
Owners: Kristine & Jeff Hill Breeder: Hans Loose
Whelped: 11/08/2004
VC Looses Jaika is our Danish import Kleine Munsterlander from Hans Loose. Jaika has an intense staunch point that has passed to her progeny. Jaika's staunch point and cooperative nature as passed on in his prodigy. She produced 3 NA Breeder Award Litters. Jaika's puppies have an average NA test score of 105.5. Six of her sons and daughters who are breeding have had pups test in the NA test and their average NA test score is 106.6. Her son, VC Hunting Hills' Hemlock (Hemi) scored 196 in the 2012 Invitational. Two grandsons, VC Hunting Hills' Joker scored 200 in the 2011 Invitational and VC Hunting Hills' Epic Creed scored 196 in the 2019 Invitational. Two great grandsons, VC Hunting Hills' Yukon Moose Tracks scored 196 in the 2016 Invitational and VC Timber Trail's Cedar (Timber) scored 188 in the 2019 Invitational.
She is the matriarch of Hunting Hills' Kennel.
Thank you for the honor of submitting Jaika for this recognition.
NA: 112 I
UT: 204 I
Invitational: 194 Pass
VJP: 66
SMCNA Breeder Awards
Hunting Hills' H Litter 1/17/2007
Hunting Hills' L Litter 12/29/08
Hunting Hills' N Litter 0 1/21/2011
Started Title (2012)
VC Crabtree's Chopper Davidson (Keegan)
Owner: Jeff Lorenzini Breeder: Keven Crabtree

Whelped: 12/06/2004
I have been blessed to own my first hunting dog that has the ultimate desire to hunt and to please his owner. Keegan has been an ambassador for the Small Munsterlander breed by participating at an optimal level in NAVHDA, UKC Retriever Trials, UKC Conformation, and local hunt tests. He loves to compete and excels at whatever is placed before him. After earning his NAVHDA Versatile Champion title, he competed in the UKC Retriever trials, and just recently achieved the Hunter Retriever (HR) title; being the first Small Munsterlander in the SMCNA to achieve this water title. Keegan also has the opportunity to provide an upland and water retrieving demonstration at a National Hunting and Fishing Day event for approximately 550 kids, and their parents each year. I allow a few interested kids to handle Keegan; he loves the attention, and performs from them as he would for me. He truly is a special dog who promotes the versatile Small Munsterlander breed.
NA: 101 Prize II
UPT: 159 Prize II
UT: 204 Prize I
Invitational: 191 Pass
Started Title (2008)
Seasoned Title (2011)
Ohio Hunter's Trial Circuit
Derby Pointing 2nd Place
All Age Pointing 1st Place
Open Pointing 1st Place
Hunting Hills' Hemlock (Hemi)
Owners: Kristine and Jeff Hill Breeder: Kristine Hill
Whelped: 01/17/2007
Hemi's dam is VC Looses Jaika and his sire is VC Cody vom Apfelbaumbach. Hemi inherited his staunch intense point from both parents. He also inherited his through methodical search from his parents. As a puppy he was happy, calm, and even tempered puppy that was a bold quick learner. Hemi has been fun to hunt with when he staunchy points the bird and reliably retrieves the bird as you can tell by his maximum scores in his NA and UT tests.
Hemi's progeny have inherited his strong hunting skills. Hemi's sons, VC Hunting Hills' Joker passed the 2010 Invitational with a maximum score 200 and and VC Hunting Hills' Epic Creed passed the 2019 Invitational with a score of 196. Hemi's grandsons, VC Hunting Hills' Yukon Moose Tracks scored 196 in the 2016 Invitational and VC Timber Trail's Cedar (Timber) scored 188 in the 2019 Invitational.
It is always a joy hunting and guiding with Hemi. People who are with us hunting are amazed with his abilities on and off the hunting field!
Thank you for the honor of submitting Hemi for this recognition.
NA: 112 I
UT: 204 I
Invitational: 196 Pass
SMCNA Sire Awards
Hunting Hills' J Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2009)
Hunting Hills' Q Litter : SMCNA NA Sire Award (2012)
Hunting Hills' V Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2014)
Hunting Hills' EE Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2016)
Gunwood's G Litter: SMCNA NA Sire Award (2012)
Started Title (2009)
2011 SMCNA Bird Derby Hunter Division 3rd Place Finish
VC Bayside Run's Boudoin
Owner: Mark Bulvanoski Breeder: Winston (Gus) Gouzoules
Whelped: 09/02/1999
Bou as a young upstart full of himself and beaming with his usual bravado, ready to bust a thousand grouse before he even thought, it might be better to point them. With the years came temperance and finally trust, and then we learned how to listen and read each other actions. Then finally I listened to his nose when it said relax Mark, grouse are where you find them and then I realized I was exactly where I am, ~in front of a grouse~ with my boy VC Bou.
Natural Ability Prize II - 97 points
Utility Prize I - 192 points
Versatile Champion - 195 points - September 3, 2005
SMCNA NA Sires Award
Fall Brook Run's C Litter - 05/06/05
Fall Brook Run's B Litter - 03/10/07
Fall Brook Run's A Litter - 05/25/08